Final EDM 510 Blog

There are so many takeaways from this course because each assignment was something new that I have never done before. My biggest takeaway is how much technology is out there that I can utilize to better enhance the instruction that I give my students in order to promote their learning. Personally, I think we learnContinue reading “Final EDM 510 Blog”

1st Grade Science Instruction Activity

So I created my first ever Nearpod lesson. I am a permanent substitute teacher, and when we begin school again in August I will be subbing in a first grade classroom for a teacher going on maternity leave. I already did a video presentation on reading, so for this activity, I chose to do myContinue reading “1st Grade Science Instruction Activity”

Web Tools and Evolution of the Web

In creating my product about the evolution of the web, the tool I used was emaze. Emaze is a web-based tool that lets you create, save, and share presentations online. In addition to creating presentations, emaze will allow users to create websites, photo albums, e-cards, and blogs. Emaze also has divisions for business and education.Continue reading “Web Tools and Evolution of the Web”

Learning Theory Matrix

Because no two people are alike, not all people learn in the same way. Teachers need to be educated in different ways to teach students who learn in different ways. This is why it is important to study the different learning theories. By understanding the different learning theories, teachers will be better equipped to recognizeContinue reading “Learning Theory Matrix”

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